Monday, January 20, 2014

Name your Blog. Easy, right?

(First off, this blog will have no nude pictures) sorry...

How I named the blog...?

Research, think, Brainstorm, Research...
Jump on a Nordic Track, naturally, and BRAINSTORM more

Me with the iPad. The contraption allows the motion of a cross country skier.

OH! I should Explain!

I like to run.
I've run since the moment I figured out that you could get somewhere quicker than someone else. Who doesn't want to be first?

All this to say "naturally" I imagine best when in motion. 
It is hard to run with an iPad in hand and it's almost time for church, so nordic track it is!

In my quest to create a blog that fit exactly with my Passions I had a lesson on words

According to

All the words I wanted to use were related:

These will all define what this blog turns into...

I thought of some awesome names such as
Zest of Life, Rawlicious, Runavega, Runagini...

This is Jonathan. Voice of a Reason. He is the sweetest husband ever. Thankfully, he is computer savvy and quite the handy man as well!

All of Which Jonathan replied "how about Rachel the Runner?"

In which, I replied "that's boring!"

So I came up with more crazy names ran around the house with excitement and then fell on the bed saying "I can't even think of a name, how will I blog!" Sob Sob

Remind you of Someone?
credit due to 

I love that movie so much

So Finally Jonathan says how about "RunRaw?"


Sadly already taken but led to Run of the Raw
 Nudist running is not my specialty and sounds bouncy and painful if you ask me.

I'm a "run of the mill" girl with a huge love for  

Health  Raw  Vegan  Running  Vitality  Nutrition said 

PASSION is anger, devotion, excitement, zeal, fury, joy, rage... All the roller coaster emotions of life. What was interesting was that happiness was the antonym. Our happiness is not where we find joy and PASSION, interesting....

Thank you for reading! Come again soon :)
I'm sure my posts will advance as I learn.


  1. EEEEEKKKK, i'm more than excited, thrilled, hungry, ready for this BLOG : )))

    1. Thanks Kelsey for the encouraging person you are.

  2. Thanks Kelsey! You are so encouraging to me!

  3. Awesome Rachel! You GO girl!!!!
