Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don't Run

I want to tell you to run.

To run until you can't take another step,

Until you know you will be sore the next day because of the runner's high you didn't want to lose.

But that would be tragic.

Form matters too much.

Form matters when you run, when you walk, when you sit, when you lift, even when you sleep!

Without the proper form, you lose balance, you pull muscles, you break ligaments, you lose races, you get a hump back.

I have really enjoyed the books "Born to Run" and "Brain Training for Runners".

I have attached links so you can purchase them immediately ;)


Buy Born to Run                               Buy Brain Training

This blog IS called Run of the Raw for a reason.
 Running in it's rawest form is the most beautiful art there is. 

But then there came an obsession with sitting, with comfort, with weight lifting, with quick fix weight loss, and the RUN art is one we have to work  harder at uncovering in ourselves.

And it's hard.

It's hard to get out the door on a snowy, icy day. If starting your workout was the only thing you never had to worry about you would have very little to fret over.

It's hard to devote an hour or more to exercise when there are husbands, kids, families, jobs, meals, cleaning, errands...
But what is even harder is the practice of form.

Remember, we talked about small steps

Here are your small steps
to more efficient
injury preventative

Little thoughts of these will lead to much less structural pain later on.

What I want you to think about from now on is this

Stand and sit tall
Shoulders back 
Stomach pulled towards spine
Toes pointed forward.

You may have a condition that doesn't allow this and I would suggest working with a physical therapist or personal trainer to help you get the best possible form for you.

Breathing pattern is essential to preventing injuries

When you breathe, breathe in through your nose while your stomach extends outwards, so that the diaphragm around your lungs may expand and let more air in.

When you breathe out, let all the carbon dioxide out through your mouth while your stomach relaxes inwards and causes the diaphragm to help push the air out.

When you run it is important to have this breathing flow.

The breath IN should be one length longer than the breath out. Your core is stronger when you breathe in causing you to have more strength and control during this part of the cycle. 

So a 3 breaths in to 2 breaths out ratio.

There is more info on this at Men's Health.

image from

If you already run, listen to your breathing pattern, do you step forward with the same leg every time you breathe in? Most likely you do causing one side to be weaker than the other. 

If you already run think about running on glass when you run, being as light on your feet as possible. 
Our ancestors had to be quiet and light as a feather to catch food. They were able to float.

If you don't run but would like to start, start these mentioned form exercises. When you start to run, start very slow, something very comfortable where you can still focus on your form.

I know from experience. I myself have gotten hurt in my more negligent competitive years as well as my sweet innocent husband just trying to win me over with a run. I'm still waiting for him to heal so we can train together again.

There are proper technique classes offered at gyms before using weight machines to prevent injury. 

We run so little that learning form is vital to prevent injury while running.

Don't Run unless you plan to practice form and breathing. Otherwise, it is cardio suicide.

Enjoy your Run :)

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