Thursday, February 27, 2014

For those No-Reason Emotional Break Down Days

I'm not in the ER anymore...sadly, it was fun!

But I took a job I could see myself doing in the future. An inpatient diabetic educator!

I am orienting to med/surg because I will do a few shifts of that as well as some evidence based practice research!

Yesterday. Fairly easy day. Couldn't complain. Came home and cried and couldn't get myself motivated. 

Why? No idea. The devil I guess.

Jonathan is getting very good at trying to love me, hug me and dote on me when I feel this way, despite him letting me know he would rather hide when I am like this. 

Haha, poor guy.

We finally made it to the kitchen and we started cutting veggies for dinner.
Once I ate, I felt sooooo much better. 

Hunger can do a nasty number on my mood.

Either way sometimes it's not only hunger that makes my moods change and that is when I need a list the most!


This is the list all women need.
The list that reminds you exactly what you love for those times you can't think straight and just want to indulge.


Long hot shower
Painting my nails
Back massages
Brussel sprouts and sweet potato fries
Chuck- the tv show
Dancing to music
Hot tea
Talking to my momma

These are my go to's.
Something I wouldn't mind doing every night but usually doesn't because of time.

These are therapeutic things that have worked in the past. I didn't add any that I need to try like deep breathing because these are my sure fire ways to somehow calm myself back to a norm and think clearly.

This is very handy if you have it visible for those days you come home and need to see it before you march into the kitchen and eat an entire tub of peanut putter chocolate ice cream. 

That is a real life example of a couple years ago when I came home from a night shift and downed 1/2 a gallon of ice cream. 

Oh my goodnessssss yes I did that. Haha I struggle with stress but mainly only show it thru indulging my face and crying. That's why I research and try everyday to find what will work to control Crazy Rachel.

And I'm happy to say I haven't eaten a full tub of ice cream since.

Today. Fairly good day. Come home. No crazy Rachel. Ate the same amount at work. You just never know when the Crazy will hit so be prepared.

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