I did get busy. Such is life. I had much to do like win a couple basketball games, finish out a job, start a new job and run a college race. Also, after starting this blog I wanted some time to research.
Once you figure out one fact, it leads to a fortune of other questions. Hence the time between blogs for research to bring the most trusted, up-to-date answers.
It's not to get you in body builder shape. Though, I do enjoy writing about exercise and nutrition.
It's to encourage you to take control of your life and be intentional.
America as a whole is not in control of the little things like portion-control (obesity epidemic), self-control (national debt), daily regimens (stress related health issues), adequate sleep (tiredness and laziness) or faithfulness (50% of marriages ending in divorce).
I love talking with patients that proudly state how long they have been married. My favorites are 40 years and beyond because the trials they have endured are endless and they are filled with wisdom. Tough people. I want to be intentional, daily, in my marriage to be like them one day.
When we each chip in, when we take a little more responsibility, when we take it personal that our nation is overweight, in debt, unfaithful, sleep deprived and not sure where to turn, we find an inner joy.
I have been rightfully taught not to take other's actions personal.
When it comes to whether I'm acting upon a need, I will take that personal.
Joy, I believe, is found in pleasing God. Despite whether you believe this, try the idea He gave for us to follow and tell me you felt more terrible after accomplishing it.
Love others
Find someone who has a need that you excel in.
Teach them something that will bless their lives ceaselessly.
I have been blessed by the sweet little 5-6th grade girls basketball team I coach voluntarily. It started out rough but seeing the small steps of improvement, the girls thought impossible, is priceless and encouraging for their confidence.
They try to shoot free throws and 3 point shots and miss the basket by 5 feet! EEK!
I have shown them if they start close, make a shot, move back, make a shot....they are swishing free throws. They didn't know they could do that. I love the excitement in their eyes.
It's all progression.
(They don't know that they are also building my confidence to coach and teach more people.)
We are built for evolution, to learn from weaknesses and improve on them.
Progression is the only way to evolve. We take one step at a time. Take one thing we want to be intentional about. We increase our awareness of it for a month and rejoice in what we have learned despite not being perfect at it.
Older people teach us. Science and research teach us. Results teach us.
Don't rely on what one person says. Do the research. Ask lots of people. Know exactly what is working and take one step.
Be intentional and confident in the little things you can control.
Every little progresses to BIG so stay in control.
This blog is for tips to find joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control for You and Me!