Monday, January 20, 2014

Why Blog?

Reason #1

I live in Oklahoma.


Picture from when my in-loves (in-laws) and I hiked the wichita mountains

I have Family and Friends in Australia, California, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Washington, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Montana, Tennessee...

Moving every year at least once over the past six years makes it impossible for me to keep up with everyone I would like to.

To my Friends and Family, if you think I do not keep in touch well or I don't like you ;), it is because I am overwhelmed with wanting to talk to all of you and tell you everything!!

Hahaha I just got a text asking why I didn't tell her (my sweet, sweet friend) I started a blog... You know who you are and you know I love you.

I love you friend. Thanks for the encouraging texts that made me laugh.

To tell you the truth I didn't tell anyone I was starting a blog until I had to have my husbands help to do so.

**Please at anytime Call, Text, Email, Facebook, Comment on my Blog, Come see me (notification ahead of time will be to your advantage)

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  Matt. 26:41
My scatterbrain needs to know you need my undivided time. :)

My sweet college roommate and wonderful friend Leila has always encouraged me to keep a journal. She recognized that it helped me sort out my thoughts and have more direction. My thought is if I am going to journal I might as well share it with the world rather than keep it all to myself. So this is me journaling. Thanks sweet Leila.

I'd rather share in real time. Maybe the next generations could benefit from finding my hidden journal in a dusty house when I die but I believe it will me more productive and encouraging now!

I looked up some quick tips on starting a blog. Research is a topic my husband has made me rely on.
His example makes me a believer. 

I got all my tips from from the blog of Problogger

Anyway a piece of advice was to make sure you have enough time and that you would probably have to give something up because blogging takes a lot of time.

I do not have animals, I have no kids, and my husband is in school, providing lots of time I can't talk to him. I like to sit by him while he studies to keep him company but I WILL talk to him if I don't keep my mind busy.

The look he gives when I interrupt his concentration.
He looks similar to this

I don't think I will have to give anything up :)
Except exploring InstagramFacebook, or Pinterest.
Maybe a little less OCD cleaning.
No big.

So, the time is RIGHT!

Reason #2

Health and Nutrition!!

I am a runner, a nurse, and a vegetarian/vegan.

I have seen the health benefits adequate exercise and a balanced diet provide me.
I have also seen too much of what happens when you don't take care of yourself and I want it to STOP!

There is only so much in life you can control. I want you to take advantage of what you can.

These are a few items that I use to help motivate me to exercise. I will talk about them more in future posts.

I plan to give daily tips on how to take control and make simple steps towards
you daily overall health with nutrition tips as well

Thanks for following!!!

Let me know what you think and any questions or requests.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo! Go Room!! Great ideas-
    I have a request, I have always wanted to learn more about organic food and if it's really that much better than 'regular' food. I tried looking for empirical studies but not sure where to start.
    Love to be able to share your adventures with you,
    Your big headed room!
