Thursday, January 23, 2014

To Lose It, You Must Keep It

Real Scenario:
"Hi I'm your nurse. With your condition, it looks like you will need to start journaling your foods, eat absolutely no sugar, no salt, make sure to exercise vigorously 1-2 hrs every day, and quit smoking immediately. I could never do that. It's practically impossible but I am sure you will manage."

This is a normal practice in the hospital and in clinics. Doctors and nurses are the exact opposite of the regimen they prescribe.

I wouldn't listen to posers, haha.

To give advice, you must find something that works.

Healthy GUIDANCE means you take care of yourself and then teach that to others. No Evidence, No Convince.

Nurses, mothers, coaches... are all guilty of "being selfless" ( unhealthy/sedentary) now so that we can "take care" of others.

One Life. One Chance. Be Selfish to Be Selfless.

You only have so much time until that catches up with you.

People like comfort. Teaching them to, briefly, get outside of that comfort, daily, will bring more health and comfort later in life.

Seize the opportunity to learn some advice to give and be giving!

My little sister asked me today if I could send her 30 minute workouts to get her and her roommate in shape by spring.

My little sister Ryli

On my run today....

7 miles on a 200m track..... there were lots of boring laps (at least 60) to think upon this blog.

I came up with the bare basics of getting healthy and fit.

Step One:To get the tummy you want, you will have to keep a log of all your foods.

Studies show that keeping a food journal is the only way people keep the weight off.

Accountability is the best way to reach goals and keep them.

To Lose It, You Must Keep It! lives by "Abs are made in the Kitchen."

You need to know if you are getting enough calories to support your body. Without the right amount of food your body will starve and go into binge mode. 

If you don't ever fuel your body it will start to break down muscle and then leave toxic waste (ketones) in your body. Not good. This will send you to the hospital and not towards health.

Jonathan after a long day at work, not enough food or water and then a hard spin class.

On the other side, if you don't know that you are eating too much, you will keep tediously working yourself out to extremes and have nothing to show.

So journal.

I use the Loseit App
Loove it. 

  1. It shows me the fat, protein, carbohydrate break down. 
  2. Shows how many calories eaten and how many left.
  3. You can add your exercise and it calculates how many more  calories your body will need that day. 
  4. The Nike Fuelband syncs with it and gives you calorie bonuses based on movement.
  5. It keeps a record of foods and meals you eat to easily add them again.
  6. Recipe calorie content is easy to store.
  7. Enter your height, weight, and goal and it calculates a daily calorie budget.

Awesome App. It has helped me lose10 lbs, a weight I haven't weighed since 19. I feel healthy, strong, and slender.

Start journaling everything! Don't cheat. It won't help.

You may go over your calorie budget but this is all a learning process and we will get you there!

Keep a positive attitude and don't give up. Just learn from what doesn't work and how you can change it the next day.

My sister wanted an indoor workout for these cold days.

Make sure you are well hydrated and either have workout shoes on or are on a soft floor.
Be cautious and listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Turn on your favorite hip hop music or watch tv.

30 Minute Workout for the Day

cardio party

Every other minute you will run in place, the other minutes you will jump rope in place for 50 seconds.
At the last 10 seconds of each minute you will do the bunny hop, then the high knees, switching off with each minute. 
After 5 minutes you will do the jumping lunge for the last 10 seconds of the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th minutes.

Keep a Straight back, keep your tummy in (belly button pulled towards spine)
 Goal is to keep moving the entire 30 minutes.
Start at a comfortable pace and get faster as you learn what you can do.
If you can only do 10 minutes great!!! Do what you can

Quick videos

running in place legs
running in place arms
jump rope to crossover
bunny hop
knees high and quick
high knees
knees high and quick
jumping lunge

Minute one
50 seconds running in place
10 seconds bunny hop
Minute two
50 seconds jump rope in place
10 seconds high knees
Minute three
50 seconds running in place
10 seconds bunny hop
Minute four
50 seconds jump rope in place
10 seconds high knees
Minute Five
50 seconds run in place
10 seconds jumping lunge

Repeat x 6

Possible 300 calorie burn in 30 minutes

Thanks for being my motivation to my Passion!
Enjoy and leave Comments!

Smoking will hinder your health efforts
It is one of the leading risk factors for heart problems, stroke, COPD and cancer. "Even an e-cigarette", The Doctor Radio stated, "can have 2 packs worth of nicotine in one cartridge". Smoking is to health as playing in mud is taking a shower. Decrease the struggle and work towards quitting AND not being near it.

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